Friday, November 14, 2008


Hi everyone I just wanted to give you all an update on baby Kaylie. I go in for my c-section on Thursday Nov. 2oth (that is if I don't go into labor before then) . The surgery is scheduled for 7am but we have to be there at 5:30am. My amazing in-laws are going to be staying at our house and splitting Rilynn duties with my parents. I am so glad that RiRi will be in great hands. I know I am going to have a hard time being away from her overnight. I am sure she will have so much fun though with her Grammy, Pappi, Meemaw, and Papa :)

Tim, Rilynn and I can't wait to meet Kaylie and I can't wait for her to meet all of her Aunties, Uncles, cousins, grandparents, bestfriends, & boyfriends (yep...just like Rilynn there are already a few lined up...Strider, Wyatt, Westin, Tanner & Preston).

I also can't wait to see Amanda & the Childress' who will both be in town for Thanksgiving :)

I will keep you guys updated as well as I can over the next couple weeks.

Please see the new pics & videos I have posted below.

1 comment:

Ahna Childress said...

whats up with the other 2 comments??? anyways...hellooooo kaylie's boyfriend #1 is Strider, duh. Maybe I will set him up with Ashlyn instead now.